ตำแหน่งงานนี้ได้ปิดการรับสมัครแล้ว สนใจตำแหน่งงานอื่นคลิกที่นี่


China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (abbreviated as CPP), founded in 1973, is a professional company of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) specializing in pipeline engineering and construction. CPP holds the philosophy of "Unlimited Innovation and Contribution" and pursues the core values of "Challenge, Fine Management, Innovation, Teamwork, Harmony". CPP is dedicated to be China's No. 1 and a world-class international general contractor for pipeline construction, providing service and guarantee the oil & gas strategy channel for China and as an integrated international energy company for the goal of CNPC, while creating wealth and value for owners, employees and society.
Persisting the core business of pipeline engineering, emphasizing its high-level business, basing on its construction capability, CPP develops its way of growing by implementing the integration of pipeline and tank construction, integration of construction and service, integration of domestic and international markets, and integration of offshore and onshore projects. CPP covers the whole industry chain and pipeline core technology such as pipeline R&D, survey, consulting, design, procurement, construction, coating, fitting fabrication, intelligent pigging, maintenance and repair, telecommunication, and commissioning. CPP is capable to provide packaged solution and one-stop service to customers.'China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (abbreviated as CPP), founded in 1973, is a professional company of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) specializing in pipeline engineering and construction. CPP holds the philosophy of "Unlimited Innovation and Contribution" and pursues the core values of "Challenge, Fine Management, Innovation, Teamwork, Harmony". CPP is dedicated to be China's No. 1 and a world-class international general contractor for pipeline construction, providing service and guarantee the oil & gas strategy channel for China and as an integrated international energy company for the goal of CNPC, while creating wealth and value for owners, employees and society.
Persisting the core business of pipeline engineering, emphasizing its high-level business, basing on its construction capability, CPP develops its way of growing by implementing the integration of pipeline and tank construction, integration of construction and service, integration of domestic and international markets, and integration of offshore and onshore projects. CPP covers the whole industry chain and pipeline core technology such as pipeline R&D, survey, consulting, design, procurement, construction, coating, fitting fabrication, intelligent pigging, maintenance and repair, telecommunication, and commissioning. CPP is capable to provide packaged solution and one-stop service to customers.


รูปแบบงาน : งานประจำ

จำนวนที่รับ : 1 ตำแหน่ง

สถานที่ปฏิบัติงาน : กรุงเทพมหานคร(เขตจตุจักร)

เงินเดือน(บาท) : 24,000+

วันหยุด : ไม่ระบุ

เวลาทำงาน : ไม่ระบุ

เวลาทำงานอื่น : ไม่ระบุ




เพศ : ชาย , หญิง

อายุ(ปี) : 27 ปีขึ้นไป

ระดับการศึกษา : ปริญญาตรี ขึ้นไป

ประสบการณ์(ปี) : 2 - 5

อื่นๆ : ไม่ระบุ



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    China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau

    3300/41-44, 28th Floor, Tower A, The Elephant Tower, Phaholyothin Rd., Chompol, Chatujak แขวงจตุจักร เขตจตุจักร จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร 10900 ประเทศไทย


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