In partnership with Luther, INC is offering legal, tax and accounting services in Thailand.
INC has the competence and expertise necessary to comprehensively assist and advise clients in all stages of the business lifecycle, namely, from the establishment of a Thai business vehicle, through on-going legal and tax advice, bookkeeping, accounting, payroll and cash, fund & payment administration and up to the dissolution of a business. We devise and help our clients to implement legal, tax and corporate compliance structures that work and let you focus on being successful in Thailand.
Our team of international lawyers and accountants is supported by qualified Thai attorneys, accountants and tax advisors.
As we provides comprehensive bookkeeping and accounting services in accordance with the highest international standards we are looking for strong candidates to joint our team.
2.About Luther
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is one of the top addresses among German commercial law firms. From our ten German offices and six international offices, our lawyers and tax advisors advise their clients both in legal disputes and in organisational issues. We focus on providing efficient and far- sighted advice which leads to the desired commercial results. This, together with the sensible allocation of time and personnel resources, provides the basis for our innovative advice.
Our two principal Asian offices in Singapore and Shanghai are complemented by offices and teams in Yangon (Myanmar), Delhi-Gurugram (India), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), Sydney (Australia) and Jakarta (Indonesia).