Our Space Co.,LTD.


We are a newly Cocktail Bar named " BAR US" which located on Soi Sukhumvit 26 and now we are looking for new team members who are interested in F&B Industry and want to grow up together with us. We are the same group and team of 'Messengerservice Bar'. This is our second venue in Sukhumvit Area.

At Bar Us we focusing on developing speciality and well crafted cocktails also focusing on providing the best service to customers. Please contact us if you are the one who have the same vision with us and want to be a part of our team! 


Alcohol Drinks and service 

จำนวนประกาศงานทั้งหมด 3 รายการ



Our Space Co.,LTD. 61/37 ซอย สุขุมวิท 26 แขวงคลองตัน เขตคลองเตย จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร 10110 ประเทศไทย


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